How to throw Forehand Disc Golf

You’ve experienced those tight corners and narrow windows where a backhand shot just won’t cut it. Maybe you’ve even watched your competitors effortlessly execute a forehand throw and wished you could do the same. You’ve probably found yourself in situations where the limitations of your throwing techniques cost you valuable strokes. Mastering the forehand throw can be your ticket to overcoming these challenges. You’re not alone in figuring out how to throw forehand disc golf.

Luckily, you’ve stumbled upon the ultimate guide that aims to cover everything you need to know about mastering the forehand throw. From the basics to advanced techniques, By the end, you will have the complete knowledge about how to throw forehand disc golf and you’ll be ready to execute the perfect forehand throw and elevate your disc golf game.

Brief Overview of What a Forehand Throw is

The forehand throw, also known as the sidearm throw, is one of the essential shots in disc golf; unlike a backhand throw, where the back of your hand leads, a forehand throw involves leading with your palm. The action is like throwing a baseball or skipping a stone across the water—wrist flick included.

Why Mastering the Forehand Throw Can Improve Your Game

Picture this: You’re standing on the tee pad, facing a narrow fairway that bends sharply to the right, and your tried-and-true backhand won’t get you there. What do you do? The answer lies in a powerful skill set that can dramatically elevate your disc golf game—the forehand throw. When executed correctly, the forehand can help you navigate obstacles, make tight turns, and even save some much-needed strokes during a match.

Importance of Learning Different Throws in Disc Golf

Disc golf courses are designed with various obstacles and terrains that test your adaptability as a player. The backhand throw might be your bread and butter, but it needs to be improved in some situations. Learning different throws, particularly the forehand, becomes a game-changer. With a well-rounded skill set, you’re better equipped to take on any course and any challenge that comes your way.

The Basics of Forehand in Disc Golf

Now we will cover basic information that help you to learn how to throw forehand disc golf:

The Grip

Imagine you’re standing on the field, disc in hand, ready to make that crucial forehand throw. The first thing you’ll need to get right is your grip. Hold the disc so your thumb rests on the top and your index finger along the bottom rim. Your remaining three fingers should be flush against the outside of the disc. This grip is often called the “power grip” or “sidearm grip,” it’s the secret sauce to achieving both power and control. When you hold the disc, ensure it’s secure but not overly tight; you don’t want to strangle it.

Stance and Positioning

Now that you’ve got the grip, let’s move on to the next step of learning how to throw forehand disc golf. Position yourself so that your non-dominant foot is forward and your dominant foot is back, roughly shoulder-width apart. Your shoulders should be perpendicular to your target. You’ll also want to bend your knees slightly to engage your lower body, which will help you generate more power during the throw. The sensation should be poised readiness, like a sprinter at the starting line, coiled and ready to explode into action.

The objective of a Forehand Throw

So, what’s the endgame here? What are you aiming to achieve with a forehand throw? The forehand is your go-to for making sharp turns and curves, especially those that bend to the right. It’s also an excellent choice for situations requiring more lateral movement rather than just distance. The beauty of the forehand throw lies in its versatility—it’s as effective for short, tactical shots as it is for long-distance bombs. Mastering it can open up new strategies and shot options, enabling you to navigate the most challenging courses like a pro.

Steps to Execute a Perfect Forehand Throw

Ready to unleash that perfect forehand throw? You’re standing there, disc perfectly gripped, body poised. Here’s how you move from preparation to a smooth, successful release:

  • Grip the Disc: Revisit that power grip we talked about earlier. Thumb on top, index finger on the bottom rim, and the remaining three fingers against the outside of the disc.
  • Stance and Alignment: Ensure your non-dominant foot is forward, knees slightly bent, and shoulders perpendicular to your target.
  • Focus and Aim: Identify your target and imagine your disc’s flight path.
  • Arm Positioning: Hold the disc near your dominant hip, elbow bent, and wrist cocked.
  • Initiate the Throw: Engage your hips and core first, pivoting on your back foot.
  • Arm Movement: Unfurl your arm quickly, led by the elbow, followed by the wrist.
  • Wrist Flick: Add a flicking motion with your wrist for additional speed and spin as you release the disc.
  • Release and Follow Through: Let the disc go, aiming for a flat, smooth release. Your hand and body should naturally follow through in the direction you’ve thrown.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Even the best of intentions can be foiled by some common pitfalls. As you’re mastering how to throw forehand disc golf, watch out for these mistakes:

  • Over-Gripping: Holding the disc too tightly can hinder its natural spin, affecting distance and accuracy.
  • Wrong Stance: Failing to align your body correctly can throw off your shot, reducing power and poor direction.
  • Over-complicating the Wrist Flick: Adding too much wrist action can lead to an unstable, wobbly throw.
  • Inconsistent Release: If you release the disc too early or too late, it can dramatically alter its flight path.
  • Incomplete Follow-Through: Failing to follow through properly can cut your shot short and negatively impact accuracy.

Advanced Techniques

You’ve got the basics down; now it’s time to add flair and power to your forehand throw. Enter the “flick and snap” technique.

Flick and Snap: Generate Extra Power

Once you’ve initiated the throw from your hips and core, adding a quick flick or snap of the wrist just before the release can give your disc that extra speed. This is similar to the whip-like motion in baseball pitching. It’s a subtle motion but can result in significant gains in speed and distance. If you want to cover those few extra yards or navigate through some tricky wind conditions, mastering the flick and snap is your ticket.

Angling the Disc: Hyzer & Anhyzer Angles

If you’ve been around disc golf circles, you’ve likely heard the terms “hyzer” and “anhyzer.” These angles can drastically change how your disc behaves in the air.

  1. Hyzer: Tilting the edge of the disc toward your body results in a hyzer angle. This causes the disc to curve in the direction of the tilt. A hyzer will make the disc curve to the left for a right-handed forehand throw.
  2. Anhyzer: This is the opposite of a hyzer, where the edge of the disc is tilted away from your body. An anhyzer will make a right-handed forehand disc curve to the right.

Understanding and manipulating these angles allows you to achieve shots that twist and turn through the most challenging terrains and obstacles. Learning to control these angles elevates your forehand game from mere competence to artistry.

Key Points to know about forehand throw in disc golf
Key Points about how to throw forehand disc golf

Common Challenges and Solutions

Typical Problems New Players Face When Learning how to throw forehand disc golf:

  • Newcomers often hit common roadblocks when first attempting to learn how to throw forehand disc golf.
  • Wrist Roll: Many new players inadvertently roll their wrists upon release, erratically causing the disc to fly.
  • Inconsistent Release Point: Finding the precise moment to let go of the disc can be elusive for beginners, often resulting in a shot that veers far off course.
  • Lack of Distance: It’s a common grievance among newcomers that their forehand throws cover little ground, even if it feels like they are putting in much effort.
  • Too Much Torque: In the quest for power, generating too much torque is easy, making it difficult to control the disc’s flight path.

Tips and Solutions for Overcoming These Challenges

  • Wrist Roll: To combat wrist rolling, focus on keeping your wrist ‘locked’ in a stable position throughout the throw. Practice some slow-motion throws to get a feel for this stability.
  • Inconsistent Release Point: The key to consistency is practice and mindful repetition. Release the disc at the same point in each throw, refining your timing through repetition.
  • Lack of Distance: If you need help, revisit your grip and stance to maximize your core and leg power. Additionally, ensure you incorporate the flick and snap technique to give the disc additional speed and spin.
  • Too Much Torque: If you’re generating too much torque, focus on a smooth release and follow through rather than sheer force. Sometimes, less is more.

Equipment Considerations

The right equipment can significantly affect your performance, from the types of discs you choose to the additional gear that supports your play. Here’s what you should consider:

Types of Discs Best Suited for Forehand Throws

When nailing that perfect forehand, not all discs are created equal. Discs come in various shapes, sizes, and materials, each with flight characteristics.

  1. Overstable Discs: These discs are a popular choice for forehand throws because they offer greater control and are less affected by wind. They tend to curve more predictably, making them ideal for tight, controlled shots.
  2. Flat-Top Discs: The flatter the disc, the easier it is to grip for a forehand throw, resulting in a more controlled and powerful shot.
  3. Heavier Discs: While lighter discs might seem easier to throw, a heavier disc can offer more control and is often easier to release smoothly in a forehand throw.
Types of Discs Best Suited for Forehand Throws

Additional Gear That Can Help

  • Gloves: Disc golf gloves can offer improved grip, reducing the chance of slips or inconsistent releases.
  • Athletic Tape: Some players use tape to reduce friction or to secure their grip, mainly if they are playing multiple rounds and want to minimize wear and tear on their hands.
  • Quality Footwear: Remember to underestimate the power of good footwear. The right shoes can provide the stability and grip required for a powerful forehand throw.
  • Moisture-Wicking Apparel: Comfortable, breathable clothing can keep you focused on your game rather than dealing with sweat or discomfort, allowing for better overall performance.

With the right equipment in your arsenal, you’ll be better prepared to execute flawless forehand throws, no matter the conditions.

Practice Drills

As the old saying goes, practice makes perfect, and that couldn’t be more true for mastering the art of how to throw forehand disc golf. This section will provide you with some simple yet effective drills to refine your skills and underscore why consistent practice is crucial.

Simple Drills to Practice Your Forehand Throw

  • Target Practice: Set a target at a moderate distance and aim your forehand throws at it. Start close, and as your accuracy improves, gradually move farther away.
  • The Cone Drill: Place cones or similar markers in a zig-zag pattern and try to navigate your forehand throws through the makeshift course, aiming to get as close to each cone as possible.
  • Disc Golf Basket Shots: If you can access a disc golf basket, practice your forehand throws aiming for the chains. This mimics the conditions you’ll experience during an actual game.
  • Speed Control: Try throwing at different speeds and observe how it affects the flight and landing of the disc. This helps you understand how much power to exert in different situations.
  • Height Control: Experiment with releasing the disc at different heights. This will help you understand how to manipulate the flight path for throws that require going over obstacles.

Importance of Consistent Practice

Consistency is the key to mastering any skill, and learning how to throw forehand disc golf is no exception. Inconsistent practice leads to inconsistent results. It’s essential to have regular practice sessions, even if they’re short. This helps in muscle memory formation, a critical element for executing a booming forehand throw.


To learn how to throw forehand disc golf is a versatile and invaluable technique to master in disc golf. We’ve walked you through the fundamentals, from understanding the basics like grip, stance, and positioning to more advanced techniques. So, what’s next? The only thing standing between you and a game-changing forehand throw is action. Get out there and apply what you’ve learned. Test out different discs, experiment with angles, and most importantly, practice, practice!

FAQs about How to Throw Forehand Disc Golf

A forehand throw, also known as a “sidearm throw,” is a technique where the disc is gripped on the side and released with a flick of the wrist. It’s one of the essential throws to master in disc golf for its versatility and control.

In a backhand throw, the arm swings across the body, while in a forehand throw, the arm moves outward, away from the body. The grip and wrist action also differ, allowing for varied flight paths and strategic gameplay.

Lack of distance in a forehand throw can result from various issues, like an improper grip, poor stance, or insufficient wrist flick. Regular practice and fine-tuning your technique can help improve the throw’s distance.

Peter Howell
Article by
Peter Howell

I am an enthusiastic disc golf player and the mind behind My aim to combine my passion and expertise to educate others about disc golf product reviews and create comprehensive buying guides. Stick around, and let’s elevate our game together.

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