How To Putt In Disc Golf

Putting is crucial in disc golf would be an understatement. The cornerstone can either uplift your game or become a stumbling block. Putting impacts your score influences your mental game, and requires a blend of physical and psychological finesse. Putting in disc golf can often be the most challenging part of the game. But don’t worry; you’re about to delve into a comprehensive guide that will equip you with everything you need to master putting in disc golf. By the end of this article, you’ll not only understand the different types of putts but also the techniques, the right disc choices, and the mental hacks to get that disc into the basket consistently.

How To Putt In Disc Golf Overview

We’ve all felt that momentary high of a fantastic drive, the disc soaring through the air and landing near the basket. But then, the real challenge begins the putt. The few feet separating your disc from the basket can seem like miles, and all too often, that short distance can ruin an otherwise perfect game. If you find yourself consistently missing those crucial putts, you’re not alone, and you’re also in the right place.

This comprehensive guide will offer you every tool you need to master to learn how to putt in Disc Golf, transforming this frustrating aspect of the game into your strong suit. By the end of this article, you’ll have a firm grasp of techniques, strategies, and mental approaches to ensure that your disc finds its way into the basket every time. Stay with us as we dive deep into the world of putting in disc golf, making it less of an enigma and more of your strong suit.

Here's a sample table that covers different aspects of putting

Disc Golf Putting Technique

Following are some tips and technique for how to putt in Disc Golf:

How to Hold the Disc

As you pick up the disc, you realize that how you hold it could make or break your putt. There’s a fine line between gripping it too tightly, which can cause the disc to wobble and veer off course, and holding it too loosely, risking an unintended release. The key here is a firm yet relaxed grip.

How To Putt In Disc Golf

If you’re doing a standard putt, your feet are about shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent. Your weight shifts to the balls of your feet, and you feel an athletic readiness seeping into your muscles. You line up your shoulders with the target, creating an imaginary line between you, the disc, and the basket.

For specialized putts like the straddle, you spread your legs wide and align your feet with the basket, ensuring that your core and lower body are engaged to generate power and maintain balance.

How to Spin Putt

You align yourself with the basket, and you feel the disc in your hand. This time, you’re going for a spin putt. Your grip changes slightly—thumb pressing down on top, fingers gripping the underside, and the index finger along the outer edge to guide the spin. You’re focusing on putting a lot of spin on this disc, giving it the gyroscopic stability it needs for longer distances or windy conditions.

As you prepare to throw, you draw the disc close to your body. Your eyes lock onto a single chain in the basket—the target. With a deep breath, you engage your core and rotate your hips back slightly, keeping the disc level. You unleash the throw, snapping your wrist firmly at the end, imparting that essential spin. The disc cuts through the air, guided by its own gyroscopic forces, and you hear that satisfying “clang” as it hits the target. You’ve just executed a perfect spin putt.

How to Push Putt

The basket is closer this time, and you don’t need the theatrics of a spin putt. Instead, you’re going for a reliable, straight-as-an-arrow push putt. The grip remains much the same as before, but your focus shifts from spinning the disc to pushing it along a linear path.

how to push put

Your starting position looks different this time; your arm forms a straight line with the disc, aimed directly at the basket. Your knees bend slightly more than before, ready to assist in the pushing motion. You feel your body weight shift from the back foot to the front as you initiate the putt, almost like a gentle rocking motion. With a forward thrust of your arm and a subtle flick of the wrist, the disc leaves your hand. You watch as it obediently follows the straight line you envisioned, dropping neatly into the basket. You’ve just nailed a push putt.

Common Mistakes

Recognizing and rectifying common mistakes can catapult your skills to the next level. Let’s delve into some of these pitfalls and how to steer clear of them.

  • Overthinking: The key here is to simplify. Your mind should be clear, your focus should be laser-sharp, honing in on just the basket. Go back to the basics confidence and focus. Trust your muscle memory and the hours of practice you’ve put in. Take a deep breath, reset, and throw. Eliminating overthinking often turns a complex, erratic process into a fluid, successful putt.
  • Incorrect Grip: As you grab the disc, you realize something feels off, but you go ahead anyway. Your throw is wobbly, or maybe it slips entirely. Your grip, the very first interaction you have with the disc, can be a subtle yet potent saboteur of a good putt. The right grip is your first step in the complex dance of a successful putt; get it wrong, and the entire sequence suffers.
  • Timing Issues :You execute the throw, but something’s not quite right. Maybe your arm moved too fast, or your release was a beat too late. Timing issues can introduce inconsistency and inaccuracy into your putts, turning what should be a rhythmic motion into a jumbled mess. To resolve this, go back to your drills. Focus specifically on the rhythm and timing of your movements. Think of your putt as a well-orchestrated set of motions, each leading seamlessly into the next. Practicing with this in mind can iron out timing issues, leading to smoother, more accurate putts.

Understanding these common mistakes gives you the troubleshooting tools to diagnose and correct issues in real-time. Overthinking, incorrect grip, and timing issues may be inevitable hurdles, but they’re also opportunities. Each mistake teaches you something new, adds a layer of resilience to your skill set, and brings you one step closer to mastering the art of how to putt in Disc Golf.

Why Putting Matters

Putting is a crucial aspect of disc golf and can significantly impact a player’s overall performance. Here’s why putting matters so much in disc golf:

  • Scoring: The primary objective of disc golf is to complete each hole in as few throws as possible. Putting is the final shot on each hole, and a successful putt ends the spot. Good putting skills can lead to lower scores, which is the ultimate goal in any disc golf game or tournament.
  • Consistency: Putting requires precision and consistency. Players must develop a repeatable putting technique to consistently increase the likelihood of sinking putts. A player who always makes short and medium-distance putts gains a significant advantage by reducing the number of strokes per round.
  • Strokes Gained: “Strokes gained” is a concept used in disc golf to measure a player’s performance compared to the average version of other players. Better putting skills can lead to positive strokes gained, meaning a player gains strokes on competitors who struggle with their putting.
  • Mental Game: Putting can be mentally challenging. It’s often the last shot before completing a hole, and the pressure to make the putt can affect a player’s focus and nerves. Developing strong putting skills helps build mental resilience and handle stress effectively.
  • Personal Satisfaction: Sinking a challenging putt can be incredibly satisfying and boosts a player’s confidence. This positive reinforcement can also improve performance in other aspects of the game.
  • Short Game Focus: While driving distance is essential, a significant portion of the game occurs within the short and mid-range distances. A strong-putting game complements a solid short game, allowing players to capitalize on accurate approach shots.

Basic Types of Putts in Disc Golf

Following are some basic types of putts in disc Golf

Spin Putt: When Distance and Wind Call the Shots

You’re facing a long-distance putt, and the wind is gusty. A standard throw might not cut it. This is when you opt for the spin putt. You align your body, grip the disc just so, and release it with a firm flick of your wrist in one smooth motion. The spinning disc cuts through the wind, and you watch as it sails into the basket. The spin putt is all about harnessing the power of rotation to maintain speed and direction, even under less-than-ideal conditions. It’s your go-to for long-distance and windy situations.

Push Putt: Accuracy Over Flash

Picture a different scenario: You’re relatively close to the basket, with no wind or obstacles. In this case, a spin putt might be overkill. You switch gears and prepare for a push putt. With your weight balanced and focusing on a straight line from your hand to the basket, you push the disc forward using power from your legs and core. The disc travels in a straight, accurate line and drops neatly into the basket—no frills, no drama—just a point on the board. The push putt is all about precision and control.

Turbo Putt: Over and Beyond Obstacles

Picture a large bush or low-hanging branch standing between you and a successful putt. A standard throwing style won’t work here; you need something to overcome the obstacle. Enter the turbo putt. You grip the disc differently, almost like a waiter holding a tray. Then, you loft the disc over the block with a flick of the wrist and a guiding hand. It’s not the most common technique, but it can be a game-saver in situations where you have to clear something.

Straddle Putt: When You Need Flexibility and Stability

Imagine your disc has landed in a spot crowded with trees or next to an out-of-bounds line. You can’t stand directly behind the disc as you usually would. This calls for a straddle putt. You spread your legs wide, aligning them with the basket, and execute a putt that’s more about balance and aim than power or spin. It may look unconventional, but the straddle putt can be your best friend when you’re in a tight spot.

Whether it’s a spin, push, turbo, or straddle putt, mastering each technique gives you more tools to tackle any situation. As we continue through this guide, you’ll learn more about executing these putts with precision and confidence.

pro tips for putting in disc golf
Pro tips how to putt in Disc Golf


In short, how to putt in Disc Golf isn’t just about that final shot; it’s a psychological lever, a decisive force that separates casual players from serious competitors. It’s the art of turning missed opportunities into celebratory moments, of converting pressure into poise. As you’ve walked through the essentials of grip, stance, technique, and even the mental game, you’ve come to recognize the irrefutable truth.

So what are you waiting for? It’s time to make the art of putting in disc golf second nature. With determination, practice, and the right mindset, the basket is not just your target—it’s your destiny. Thank you for allowing us to guide you on this journey. Now, go out there and make those putts count. Your road to mastery has just begun.


There are primarily four basic types of putts in disc golf: Spin Putt, Push Putt, Turbo Putt, and Straddle Putt. Each has advantages and techniques, so it’s worth trying them to see which suits your style and your playing conditions.

Consider weight, grip, and diameter when choosing a disc for putting. Some popular choices among professionals include the Aviar, Wizard, and Judge. But remember the “right disc” is highly individual and should align with your comfort and playing style.

Pros often emphasize the importance of commitment to each shot, simplifying your technique, controlled breathing, consistent routine, and the need to relax before making a putt.

Declan Hodgson
Written by
Declan Hodgson

Meet Declan Hodgson, your disc golf sherpa at Navigating the twists and turns of the sport, I’m here to guide you through the world of discs, gear, and the pursuit of that perfect throw.

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